domingo, 14 de octubre de 2018

What does it mean to be an american

Americans  for me  live in the  land of opportunity
For me Americans  represents the opportunity of knowing a very big Country very different an full of opportunities. So all americans have the opportunity of living of this land of hope and dream.
America is very far from Spain my home country.
Americans are  competitive and an american wants to take the best in his activity. For me americans have to fight a lot to get reward on life.
Americans for me also represents a very big diversity.
I have a brother and a sister that live also in america but in different places and for me america is diversity. This means that they are a lot of different americas so you can decide which one you like best. So americans have the opportunity of making choice among a huge diversity.
Although it is difficult very dificult for me I try to work very hard and give the best of me. I have to fight very hard.

Americans love to live in liberty and democcracy and they pursuit happiness

Is a big opportunity for me to study in a foreign language. Because I hope that one day I can be as fluent in english as I am in spanish. Americans for a foreigner with a different language also represents a huge learning experience.

This is only my second year in this beautiful place after all the effort I am putting in this experience I will receive for sure a big payback an the land of oppotunity will also smile at me an eventualy be enrich with all these new posibilities.

It looks like in America a lot of people can do what they really want. Work in what they like makes dreams come threw.

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